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Rio Towers Rent
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ELHCDC was incorporated in 1984 and has been successfully developing affordable housing projects since 1986. It is a not-for-profit charitable organization 501-C-3. Types of housing developments.

The type of housing that the Organization, East Little Havana Community Development Corporation, provides consists of affordable low-income housing in the form of homeownership units and rental units. The development various projects have consisted of new construction, Rehabilitation, and Management of Affordable Housing projects serving very-low, low, and moderate income families and individuals. Additional charitable projects consist of revitalizing and developing the commercial corridors in the East Little Havana neighborhood, Miami, Fl., where approximately over 50% of the residents live below the poverty level.   The affordable housing home ownership units have been made available to very-low, low, and moderate income families earning between 40% and 120% of the Dade County Median Income. The affordable housing rental units have been made available to very-low and low income elderly, handicapped, families, and individuals with family incomes below 60% of Miami-Dade County Median Income. Also, at least 40% of the rental units in the Rio Towers development have been set-aside for Elderly persons, age 62 or older, and 75% of the units for the Elderly, Disabled, SSI, and Veterans.   All completed developments have integrated HUD’s Housing Quality Standards; Davis/Bacon Act wages compliance; and Section 3 compliance. All completed developments have incorporated Green components and appliances.   The type of housing and economic development projects being undertaken comply with HUD’s National Objectives to provide and promote relief of the poor and the underprivileged; lessen the burdens of government; lessen neighborhood tensions; and combat community deterioration. The not-for-profit organization targets mostly the East Little Havana Neighborhood which has over 50% of its residents under the poverty level.